Mission: Serving God. Serving Our Community.

The Coat Shed

The Coat Shed is a way for us to offer a warm coat to anyone in the community who may need one.

It operates on the honor system and is always open. Please find it in your heart to contribute to this critical ministry.

The coat shed, built for us by Habitat for Humanity, was installed on Wednesday, August 31, 2022, and dedicated in November.

Teri Van Allen & Vicki Lambert putting on the final touches

Dedication of the new shed. November 2022

We Need Acolytes! Acolytes: a general term which covers not only servers, torchbearers, and lighters of candles but also crucifers, thurifers, and banner-bearers. (episcopalchurch.org)

Being an acolyte is a privilege and has certain responsibilities. Adults and youths are welcome and encouraged to participate in this important worship ministry.

How To Donate To The Causes We Support

The First Sunday of each Month is Food Shelf Sunday. Please place your food items in the labeled bins in the back of the church sanctuary.

Community Engagement Team

The Community Engagement Team. We know that family & friends who spend time together, stay together. We are the Body of Christ and share gifts with each other. Our mission is to reach out to our community. We would love to see you at this social event designed to include everybody. Please contact Christine Ries (sitting, right), Kris Blaney (sitting left), or Vicki Lambert (standing) through the church office.

Leave donations for the Coat Shed on the pew near the church office:

The Prayer Wall

During the 2022 Red Wing Holiday Stroll, we built this Prayer Wall on the sidewalk in front of the church.

As you can see, it provided a great comfort to many people.

At Christ Church, we believe Christ is calling us to be a renewed church in a changing world. Empowered by the Spirit of God, we deepen our bonds with Christ and with others in a community where all are accepted. Wherever you are in your life with God - whether a hesitant searcher or a regular church goer - we invite you to worship with us and to think of Christ Church as your spiritual home.

A procession of angels goes before each person, and the heralds go before them proclaiming:
’Make way for the image of God!
Make way for the image of God!’

— Rabbi Joshua ben Levi


  • During the year, we have celebrations and gatherings that bring us together.

  • We have fed the community a free meal in our Feeding of the 5,000 event,

  • We have joined the children in Halloween festivities and

  • We have invited speakers from all areas of expertise to share with us.


  • We follow the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd curriculum for children 3-12 years old.

  • The relationship between God and the child is explored through presentations and activities.

  • The teacher encourages questions and guides the children in reflecting on how God is present in their lives.


  • Our youth are engaged in the community and the congregation.

  • Confirmation classes are held for those wanting to learn more about our faith and confirm their belief.


  • We have Bible study after our Wednesday 10:00 a.m. services.

  • Often, we choose a spiritual-based book to read and then discuss.

  • Confirmation classes are held for those wanting to learn more about our faith and confirm their belief.